RIP-7696 : generic Double Scalar Multiplication (DSM) for all curves

This proposal creates two precompiled contracts that perform a double point multiplication (DSM) and sum then over any elliptic curve given p, a,b curve parameters.
This operation consists in computing the value uP+vQ, u and v being scalars, P and Q being points.

We managed to implement generic DSM in full solidity with a lower cost than previous implementations (FCL, Daimo, p256-verifier-huff). Such genericity will enable curves such as Ed25519 and Babyjujub (with the use of isogeny we will describe later), Palla,Vesta, Starkcurve, etc.

The proposal includes two precompiles, taking curves parameters as calldata.
The first one is very comparable to RIP7212 and EIP6565, only taking those extra p,a,b parameters.
The second them uses extra values (namely 2^128.P and 2^128Q), to provide a GLV comparable speedup, which is 50% asymptotically (less in full solidity, but ZK version will benefit largely from it).

As of now there is a huge traction on P256, being the first FIDO curve implemented in WebAuthn. Ed25519 shall follow, and is superior in all ways (Schnorr based, no hidden seed constant,MPC friendly).

This precompile also solve the ‘hacky’ use of ecrecover (as implemented for Schnorr based Dapps, such as Ambire Wallet, and secure MPC uses relying on Musig2). This cunning use of ecrecover in fact enables DSM.

Implementing DSM at lower levels (for ZKEVM or nodes) only requires to implement Montgomery multiplications to emulate prime fields. (It is how it is done by Lambda for ZKsync right now). This is how are implemented most generic libraries (OpenSSL, libECC, Bolos, etc.).